World Jewellery Confederation member delegates during the opening session of the 2015 CIBJO Congress in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.
Membership in the World Jewellery Confederation is not open to individuals, but rather to national associations active in the jewellery, watch, gemstone and precious metals industries, and also to companies and corporations, international associations and service providers.
National Association Membership is open to all professional organisations in the jewellery, watch, gemstone and precious metals industries sectors, regardless of the country they are located in. In the event of that several associations exist in the same country, they may all be equally represented in the Confederation, after applying for membership and being approved by the Executive Committee. In the event that more than one organization participates in the delegation from a particular country, the leadership role is decided by the entire delegation.
Commercial Membership is open to individual companies that are active in the jewellery, watch, gemstone and precious metals industries, as well as service providers to these sectors. Commercial membership in CIBJO is a subject to the approval of the CIBJO Executive Committee.
International Associations in the industry are also eligible for membership, and hold the same status as commercial members.
Each member organisation is entitled to vote, although voting is by a weighted system, with two third of voting assigned to national trade association members and one third of voting assigned to commercial members and international. However, all member representatives are hold official positions within the Confederation.
Supporter Members is a new category. Created mainly for smaller operations, including one-or two person operation, it provides members of the industry access to all activities, materials and information, without voting rights or the right to serve as an elected officer.
Become a CIBJO member
Become a CIBJO member
World Jewellery Confederation Members
National Associations
Armenian Jewellers Association
4, Vetkin Street, Moscow
P: +7 985 1808419,
F: +7 985 1812970
E: ajainfo@yahoo.com
JAA Jewellers Association of Australia
Level 35, One International Tower 100 Barangaroo Ave
Sydney, NSW, 2000
P: + 61 2 92622862,
F: + 61 2 92622541
E: ceo@jaa.com.au
Bundesgremium des Juwelen-, Uhren-, Kunst-, Antiquitäten- und Briefmarkenhandels
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
Postfach 440 – A-1045 Wien
P: +43 5 90 900-3313,
F: +43 5 90 900-118416
E: uhren.juwelen.kunst@wko.at
der Kunsthandwerke
Bundesverband der Gold- und Silberschmiede
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
A-1045 Wien
P: +43 5 90 900-3270,
F: +43 5 90 900-288
E: diekunsthandwerke@wko.at
Bahrain Institute for Pearls and Gemstones (DANAT)
4th floor, East Tower, Bahrain World Trade Centre, Manama
Kingdom of Bahrain
P: +973 17201333
E: info@danat.bh
Directorate of Precious Metals & Gemstone Testing
Ministry of Commerce, P.O. Box 5479
Kingdom of Bahrain
P: +973 17574909
F: +973 17536277
E: metalgem@moic.gov.bh
Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry
P.O. Box 248, Manama
Kingdom of Bahrain
P: +973 39461696 / 17242580
F: +973 17 272766 / 17 215100
E: atahoo@batelco.com.bh
Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC)
Hoveniersstraat 22, 2018 Antwerp
P: +32 3 222 05 11
E: info@awdc.be
IBGM – Brazilian Gems and Jewellery Trade Association
SCN – Qd 02 Bl “D” Entr. “A” , Sala 1103 / 1105 C.E., Liberty Mall
CEP 70712-903 – Brasília – DF
P: +55 61 3326-3926 –
F: +55 61 3328-6721
E: ibgm@ibgm.com.br
W: www.ibgm.com.br
Canadian Jewellers Association
27 Queens Street E #600
Toronto, Ontario M5C2M6
P: +1 416 368 7616,
F: +1 416 368 1986
E: hresnick@canadianjewellers.com
National Gem & Jewelry Testing Company Ltd. (NGTC)
19 Xiaohuangzhuang Road,
Andingmenwai Street
Beijing 10013, China
P: +86 10 84273637,
F: +86 10 84274845
E: yanglixin2001@yahoo.com.cn
China Gems & Jade Exchange
25 / F, Lansheng Building,
8 Huaihai Zhong Road(M)
Huangpu District,
Shanghai ,China (200021)
P: +86 021 63191818
E-Mail: jack.chen@csgje.com
China National Gem & Jewellery Imp. & Exp. Co.,Ltd.
5/F, No.103 Jixiangli, Chaoyangmenwai
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100020
P: +86-10-8569-8622,
F: +86-10-6553-1064
E: zgzb@cnacgc.com
Cra 6 # 12-88 piso 6, Edificio Bk.,
Bogotá D.C.
P: + 57 1 2430041
E: fedesmeraldas@gmail.com
W: www.fedesmeraldas.org
Cook Island Pearl Authority
P.O. Box 153, Rarotonga
Cook Islands
P: + 682 29055,
F: + 682 29045
E: pearlinfo@pearlauthority.co.ck
The Danish Jewellers Association
Frederiksholms Kanal 5A. 1. Sal, 1220 Copenhagen K,
P: +45 4583 5211,
C: +45 2966 8293
E: tt@guldsmed.dk
Dansk Gemmologisk Selskab
Espedammen 9
2605 Brøndby
E: ruddyhansen@me.com
W: danskgemmologiskselskab.dk
Jewellery of Denmark
Dansk Mode & Textil
Birk Centerpark 38
DK-7400 Herning
E: info@jewelleryofdenmark.com
W: jewelleryofdenmark.com
Kjøbenhavns Guldsmedelaug
Gammel Mønt 37
1117 Copenhagen K.
E: mail@guldsmedelauget.dk
W: guldsmedelauget.d
Finnish Goldsmith Association
Unioninkatu 10 B 20
00130 Helsinki
P: +358 10 281 2280,
M: +358 40 775 10 85
E: henrik.kihlman@suomenkultaseppienliitto.fi
W: www.suomenkultaseppienliitto.fi
Union Française de la Bijouterie , Joaillerie, Orfévrerie, des Pierres & des Perles
58, rue du Louvre,
75002 Paris,
P: +33 01 40 26 98 00,
F: +33 01 40 26 29 51
E: info@bjop-France.com
L’Union de la Bijouterie Horlogerie
109, rue de Faubourg saint Honoré,
75008 Paris,
P: +33 01 44 70 77 97,
F: +33 01 44 70 77 96
E: smarcot@u-b-h.com – contact@u-b-h.com
Tahitian Pearl Association of French Polynesia
98713 Tahiti
French Polynesia
P: +689 87 77 78 87
E: tpafp.tahiti@gmail.com
Federation of German Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Silverware and Related Industries
Westliche Karl-Friedrich-Straße 56,
75172 Pforzheim
P: +49 7231 14 555-17,
F: +49 723114 555-21
E: guido.grohmann@bv-schmuck-uhren.de
W: www.bv-schmuck-uhren.de
Bundesverband der Importeure und Exporteure von Edelsteinen und Perlen e.V.
E: info@bv-schmuck-uhren.de
Bundesverband der Edelstein- und Diamantindustrie e.V.
P.O. Box 122426,
D-55716 Idar- Oberstein,
P: + 49 6781 94 42 40,
F: + 49 6781 94 42 66
E: info@bv-edelsteine-diamanten.de
Deutsches Edelstein-Testinstitut GMBH
Mainzer Strasse 34,
Diamant und Edelsteinbörse,
D-55743 Idar-Oberstein
P: +49 6781 94 42 40,
F: +49 6781 94 42 66
E: info@bv-edelsteine-diamanten.de
BVJ-Bundesverband der Juweliere, Schmuck und Uhrenfachgeschaefte e.V.
An Lyskirchen 14,
50676 Koeln,
P: +49 221/271 660,
F: +49 221/271 6620
E: bvj@einzelhandel.de
20, Lekka str.,
105 62 Athens,
P: +30 210 32 29 047,
F: +30 210 32 29 047 / 210 3248931
E: povako@acsmi.gr
Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers’ Association
Unit G, 2/F, Kaiser Estate Phase 2
51 Man Yue Street,
Hunghom, Kowloon
Hong Kong
P: +852 2122 5087 / +852 2766 3002,
F: +852 2362 3647
E: secretariat@jewelry.org.hk
The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council
Diamond Plaza, 5th Floor, 391-A
Contact Person: Mr. Sabyasachi Ray, Executive Director
Office # AW 1010, Tower A, 1st Floor
G Block, Bharat Diamond Bourse, next to ICICI Bank
Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (East)
Mumbai 400 051
P: +0091-22-2654 4600,
F: +0091-22-2652 4764
E: ed@gjepcindia.com
E: sunil@gjepcindia.com
E: admin@gjepcindia.com
Contact Person: Director
Address: 113, Ankur Plaza, 3rd Floor, G. N. Chetty Rd.
T. Nagar, Chennai 600 017
P: +0091-44-2815 5180 / 0082,
F: +0091-44-2815 4526
E: chennai@gjepcindia.com
Contact Person: Asst. Director
Address: F-17-18, Jhandewalan,
Flatted Factories Complex,
New Delhi 110 055,
P: +0091-11-2361 4197 / 2351 5395,
F: +0091-11-2367 5274
E-Mail: delhi@ngjepcindia.com
Contact Person: Director
Address: Rajasthan Chamber Bhavan,
3rd Floor, Mirza Ismail Road,
Jaipur 302 003
P: +0091-141-257 4074 / 256 8029,
F: +0091-141-2567921
E: jaipur@gjepcindia.com
Contact Person: Asst. Director
Address: 626-628 Belgium Tower
6th Floor,Ring Road, Surat
P:+0091-261- 243 5008,
F: +0091-261-243 5913
E: surat@gjepcindia.com
Contact Person: Director
Address: ITFC, 6th Floor, Left Wing
1/1, Wood Street
Kolkata 700 016
P: 0091-33-2282 3629 / 2282 3630,
F: 0091-33-2282 3629
E: kolkatta@gjepcindia.comp
Ministry of Industry Trade & Labor
Diamond Exchange Building
P.O.B. 3007 – Ramat-Gan 52130
P: +972 3 5752105,
F: +972 3 5754137
E: Alona.Hodos@moital.gov.il
Israel Diamond Institute (IDI) Group of Companies
1, Jabotinsky St.
Ramat-Gan 52520
P: +972-54-3452913
E: info@israelidiamond.co.il
W: www.israelidiamond.co.il/english/index.aspx
IJMA Israel Jewelry Manufacturer Association
Gadi Gertel`
Israel Jewelers Association, IJA
26 Tuval St.,
Ramat-Gan – Israel 52520
P: +972-54-6797777
E: gadi@ijma.org.il
W: www.ijma.org.il/en-us/
Israel Diamond Manufacturers Association (IsDMA)
3 Jabotinsky Road,
Ramat-Gan 52521,
P: +972 3 575 2483
F: +972 3 575 0417
E: udi@isdma.com
Piazza G.G.Belli, 2 –
00513 Roma
P: +39 06 58 661,
F: +39 06 09 425
E: internazionale@confcommercio.it
Federpreziosi –
Federazione Nazionale delle Imprese Orafe Gioielliere Argentiere Orologiaie – CONFCOMMERCIO IMPRESE PER l’ITALIA
Via Re Tancredi, 8 –
00162 Roma –
P: +39 06 4404105,
F: +39 06 44251229
E: federpreziosi@confcommercio.it
Japan Jewellery Association
23-25 2-chome Higashiueno,
Taito-ku Tokyo 110-8626
P: +81 3 3835 8567,
F: +81 3 3839 6599
E: info@jja.ne.jp
Tokyo Diamond Exchange Inc.
1- 26-2 Higashi-Ueno,
Taitou-ku Tokyo 110-0015,
P: + 81 3 3831 6775,
F: + 81 3 3839 4645
E: info@tdenet.jp
Cámara Regional de la Industria de la Joyería y Platería del Estado de Jalisco
Av. Topacio 2486, Fracc. Verde Valle,
Guadalajara, Jal.
Mexico, CP 44540
P: +33 3121 9238,
E: info@camaradejoyeria.com.mx
Lithuanian Assay Office
Ciurlionio 65,
LT-4690 Druskininkai,
P: +370 313 55437,
F: +370 313 55437
E: centras@lpr.lt
Netherlands Gemmological Laboratory
National Museum of Natural History Naturalis
PO Box 9517,
2300 RA Leiden,
P: +31 71 568 7596,
F: +31 71 568 7666
E: Zwaanj@naturalis.nnm.nl
The Jewellers and Watchmakers of New Zealand
10a Athelstan Street, Barrington,
Christchurch 8024
New Zealand
P: +64 3 337 6576,
F: +64 3 337 6576
E: info@jwnz.co.nz
W: www.jwnz.co.nz
Norges Gullsmedforbund
Storgaten 14,
N-0184 Oslo,
P: +47 22 34 8900
F: +47 22 34 89 19
E: alfsen@gullsmed.no
World Jewelry Hub
Santa Maria Business District,
Argos Tower, 3rd Floor, Panama City,
P: +507 392 8058
Associacion de Exportadores
Av. Javier Prado Este Nr. 2875
Lima 41
P: +51 11 618 3333
F: +51 11 346 1879
E: presidencial@adexperu.org.pe
El Amauta 197
Urb. San Juan Butista de Villa,
Lima 09
P: +51 1 2545555,
F: +51 1 2545575
E: lyanez@arinsa.com.pe
AORP – Associação de Ourivesaria e Relojoaria de Portugal
Av. Rodrigues de Freitas, 204
4000 – 416 PORTO
P: +351 225 379 161 / 2 / 3
F: +351 225 373 292
E: geral@aorp.pt
Associaçãoo dos Commerciantes do Porto (ACP)
Av. Rodrigues de Freitas, 200,
4000 – 416 PORTO,
P: +351 225 899 020
F: +351 225 899 029
E: acpinforma@acporto.com
Dean of Jewellers of the City of Jeddah
Farsi Building,
Al Boghdadiah-Jeddah,
P.O. Box 17848 – Jeddah, 21494
Saudi Arabia
P: +966 2 6434535,
F: +966 2 6444673
E: jamil@farsijewelry.com
Jeddah International Market
Mr. Essam Jamal,
President of the gold & jewelry National
Committee of the Chambers of Commerce
and Industry Council in Saudi Arabia
Shop N.2,
P.O. Box 22734,
Jeddah 21416,
Saudi Arabia
P: +966 2 6637638,
F: +966 2 6604294
E: essam@jamaljewellery.com
Chamber of Craft of Slovenia – Section of Goldsmiths
Celovška cesta 71,
SI-1000 Ljubljana
P: +386 1 583 05 00,
F: +386 1 505 92 70 / +386 1 505 43 75
E: info@ozs.si
W: www.ozs.si/eng
Korean Gem Trade Association
Insan Bldg. #404,
164-2 Waryong-dong,
Jongro-gu – Seoul 110-360
P: +822-744-1266,
F: +822-744-1267
E-Mail: icakorea@kornet.net
W: www.kgta.co.kr
The Jewellery Council of South Africa
The Hamlet,
27 Ridge Road,
South Africa
P: +011 484 5528 Ext: 1002
C: +011 82 456 5558
E: lornal@jewellery.org.za
W: www.jewellery.org.za
Sri Lanka Gem & Jewellery Association
267/19, Galle Road,
Colombo 03,
Sri Lanka
P: +94 11 2565550 / 2575655,
F: +94 11 257 4330
E: slgja@sltnet.lk
Sri Lanka Jewellers & Gem Merchants’ Federation (SLJMEF)
43 Nandana Gardens,
Colombo 4,
Sri Lanka
P: +94 1 449 812,
F: +94 1 348 931
E: mahweli@itmin.com
Smycken och Klockor
Box 6278,
102 34 Stockholm
P: +070 777 49 88
E: info@smyckenochklockor.se
Swedish Gemmological Association SGRF
(Sveriges Gemmologiska Riksförening)
Box 19121,
104 33 Stockholm
E: info@gemmologiska.se
W: www.gemmologiska.se
Union de la Bijouterie et de l’Orfévrerie Suisse (UBOS)
Schmiedenplatz 5,
Postfach 258
CH-3000 Bern 7
P: +41 31 329 20 72,
F: +41 31 329 20 75
E: info@zvsgu.ch
Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH
Rue d’Argent 6,
2502 Biel/Bienne,
+41 32 328 08 28
Verband Schweizerischer Schmuck- und Edelmetall-Lieferanten
Schmiedenplatz 5,
Postfach 258,
CH-3000 Bern 7,
Phone: +41 31 329 20 72,
Fax: +41 31 329 20 75
E: info@ubos.ch
Verband der Schweizerischen Edelsteinbranche
Schmiedenplatz 5,
Postfach 258,
CH-3000 Bern 7,
P: +41 31 329 2072,
F: +41 31 329 2075
E: christen.advo@bluewin.ch
Verband Schweizer Goldschmiede und Uhrenfachgeschafter (VSGU)
Schmiedenplatz 5,
Postfach 258,
CH-3000 Bern 7,
P: +41 31 329 20 72,
F: +41 31 329 20 75
E: info@zvsgu.ch
Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association
919/616 Jewelry Trade Center Building, 52nd Floor
Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok
P: + 66 2 630-1390-7,
F: + 66 2 630-1398-9
E: tgjta@thaigemjewelry.or.th
The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand (Public Organization)
140, 140/1-3, 140/5 ITF-Tower Building. 1st – 4th and 6th Floor,
Silom Road, Suriyawong, Bangrak, Bangkok
P: +66 2634 4999,
F: +66 2634 4970
E: jewelry@git.or.th
Turkish Jewellery Exporters Association
Yenibosna Merkez Mahallesi Sanayi Cad. No:3 Dis Ticaret Kompleksi A Blok Yenibosna
P: +90 212 454 0880
E: info@jtr.org.tr
W: www.turkishjewellery.org
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
Deghtyarivs’ka St. , 38-44
04119 Kiev
P: +38 044 492 93 19 / 206 57 75
F: +38 044 492 93 21 / 206 57 74
E: tat@minfin.gov.ua
E: rudenko@gems.org.ua
E: tat@gems.org.ua
Dubai Multi & Commodities Centre
Level 4 Emirates Towers Offices,
Post Box 48800, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
P: +971 4 3903 899,
F: +971 4 3903 897
E: Wafa.Jaffery@dmcc.ae
Sharjah Manufacturers Association (observer)
Sharjah 1326,
United Arab Emirates
P: +9716 5616770,
F: +9716 5616088
E: sjmgroup@yahoo.com
National Association of Jewellers
10 Vyse Street, Birmingham
United Kingdom
B18 6LT
P: +44 121 237 1110
E: info@naj.co.uk
American Gem Trade Association
World Trade Center,
P:O: Box 420643
Dallas, Texas 75342
P: +1 214 742 4367
F: +1 214 742 7334
E: john@agta.org
Jewelers Vigilance Committee
25 West 45th Street, Suite 400
New York, New York 10036
P: +1 212 997 2002,
F: +1 212 997 9148
E: tiffany@jvclegal.org
International Associations
International Coloured Gemstone Association (ICA)
Unit 1777, 17/F, Silvercord Tower 2,
30 Canton Road, TST
Hong Kong
P: +852 5520-6609
W: www.gemstone.org
E: ICA@gemstone.org
Jewellery and Gemstone Association of Africa (JGAA)
E: enquiries@jga-africa.com
W: www.jga-africa.com
Responsible Ecosystems Sourcing Platform (RESP)
Chemin du Champ-Gilbert 25, 1256, Troinex
P: +41 22 547 1245
W: www.resp.ch
E: info@resp.ch
Platinum Guild International
Unit 2901 – 2902, 29/F, Global Trade Square, 21 Wong Chuk Hang Road
Hong Kong
T: +852 3953 1588
W: www.platinumguild.com
E: hdaniel@pgiglobal.com
World Diamond Council
580 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2812, New York , NY 10036
T: +33 6 61 46 15 00
W: www.worlddiamondcouncil.org
E: info@worlddiamondcouncil.org
World Gold Council
15 Fetter Lane, EC4A 1BW London
United Kingdom
T: +44 20 7826 4700
F: +44 20 7826 4799
W: www.gold.org
E: john.mulligan@gold.org
Commercial Members
The Gemmological Association of Australia
PO Box 555,
Nedlands WA 6909
P: +61 8 9386 3038
E: federal@gem.org.au / terry@sapphex.com
Klepner’s Fine Antique Jewellery & Valuers
324 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Vic. 3000 Australia
P: +61 3 9650 2659
E: ronniebauer47@gmail.com
South Sea Pearl Consortium/Papaley Pearls
C/O Maryanne Dalziel, GPO Box 4679,
Sydney NSW 2001,
P: +61 2 9775 1001
F: +61 2 9775 1098
E: sspc@sspc.net
W: www.sspc.net
Gem Star BV
Hoveniersstraat 30, Office 414
2018 Antwerp,
P: +32 489 877 060
E: zhanna@gemstarbv.be
W: www.gemstarbv.be
HRD Antwerp
Hoveniersstraat 22,
2018 Antwerp,
P: +32 3 222 06 11
F: +32 3 222 06 99
E: info@hrdantwerp.be
Rede IBGM de Laboratórios Gemológicos
Av. Paulista, 688 – 17º andar – Bela Vista
Cep 01310-100 – – São Paulo – SP
P: +55 11 3016 5850,
F: +55 11 3284 0459
E: gemlabnet@ibgm.com
HRA Investments Ltd.
2160-1066 W. Hastings Street,
Vancouver BC V6E 3X1
P: +1 604 669 9562,
F: +1 604 669 5626
E: uri@hrausa.com
Chamber of Commerce for Jewellery & Precious Metals Industry of All-China Federation of Industries & Commerce
B 1021, Huibin Office Building,
No.8 Beichen East Street, Chaoyang District – Beijing 100101
P: +86 10 94970168 / +86 10 849 76 691,
F: +86 10 849 76 693
E: info@ccjp.org.cn
China National Gem & Jewellery Imp. & Exp. Corp.
Rm A703, Diamond Exchange Centre, No.1701 Century Ave., Pudong District
200122 Shanghai
T: +86-21 6182 0730
F: +86-21 6182 0735
E: zhangyilin@sinogem.com.cn
W: www.sinogem.com.ch
Chow Tai Fook Jewellery (Shenzhen) Company Limited
25/F, Chow Tai Fook Group Tower, 2011 Shen Yan Road,Yantian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province,
P: +86 755 2526 6210,
f: +86 755 2235 6506
E: yinhung@chowtaifook.com
Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá
Avenida El Dorado nro. 68D-35,
Bogotá (Bogotá D.C.)
T: +57 3830300/ 5941000 ext. 1679/2223
E: ccbsalitre@ccb.org.co
W: www.ccb.org.co
CDTEC Gemlab
Calle 12 b # 6-82 piso 11
Bogotá (Bogotá D.C.),
T: +57 1 243 8871 / 746 7490
E: direccion@gemlabcdtec.com
W: www.gemlabtec.com
The Muzo Companies
Emerald Mining Services (EMS),
Calle 72 #7-64 Piso 6, Bogotá,
W: www.muzo.co
58, rue de Sevres
75007 Paris
E: francesca.manfredi@kering.com
DDI, Stiftung Deutsches Diamant Institut
Bahnhofstrasse 7,
D-75172 Pforzheim,
P: +072 31 32211,
F: +072 31 140878
E: info@ddi-pforzheim.de
Juwelier Paul Winnebeck GmbH & Co. KG
Universitätsstr. 1,
D 91054 Erlangen,
P: +49 9131 25644
F: +49 9131 208044
E: www@winnebeck.de
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Head Office,
38/F, Office Tower, Convention Plaza,
1 Harbour Road, Wanchai,
Hong Kong
P: +852 1830 668,
F: +852 2824 0249
E: hktdc@hktdc.org
UBM Asia Ltd.
17/F China Resources, Building,
26 Harbour Road,Wanchai
Hong Kong
P: +852-2827-6211
Associazione Italiana Pietre Preziose e Affini
Piazza Cavour n. 4 – 47921 Rimini
P: +39 02 0541/22150
F +39 02 0541/27918
E: info@assogemme.it
Assorologi (Associazione Italiana Produttori e Distributori di Orologeria)
Corso Venezia 4920121
P: +39 0277 50254/5
E: mario.peserico@assorologi.it
W: www.assorologi.it
Club degli Orafi Italia
Via Monte Napoleone 9,
20121 Milano
P: +39 02 760 08478
F: +39 02 770 97578
E: info@clubdegliorafi.org
W: www.clubdegliorafi.org
Crivelli Gioielli
Viale Dante, 24
15048 Valenza (AL)
P: +39 0131 945296
E: info@crivelligioielli.com
W: www.crivelligioielli.com/en
Enzo Liverino Srl
Via Montedoro, 61,
80059 Torre del Greco (NA),
P: +39 081 8811225,
F: +39 081 8491430
E: info@liverino1894.com
W: www.liverino1894.com
IGI – Instituto Gemmologico Italiano
P.zza San Sepolcro 1
20123 – Milano
P: +39 02 80504992
F: +39 02 80585765
E: info@igi.it
W: www.igi.it
Italpreziosi S.P.A.
Strada A, 32 – Loc. San Zeno
52100 Arezzo
Phone: +39 0575 383041
Fax: +39 0575 381468
Italian Exhibition Group
A merger of Rimini Fiera and Fiera di Vicenza
Via Emilia, 155, 47921 Rimini,
P: +39 0444 969 111,
F: +39 0444 969 000
E: alice.vanni@italpreziosi.it
W: www.vicenzafiera.it
LabiGem – Laboratorio Italiano di Gemmologia
Diamonds & Gems Analysis
Via Vecchia Ferriera, 70
36100 Vicenza
P: +39 0444-1241073
E: info@labigem.com
W: www.labigem.com
Roberto Coin S.p.A.
Viale Trieste, 13
36100 – Vicenza
E: info@robertocoin.com
W: www.robertocoin.com
Kuwayama Corporation
2-23-21 Higashi-Ueno, Taito-Ku, Tokyo Japan
P: +81 3 3831 8485, Ext. 304
E: info_CIBJO@kuwayama.co.jp
W: www.kuwayama.co.jp/e/
Institut de Gemmologie de Madagascar
Lot II Y 20 bis AP
Ambaranjana, Antanimora – Antanarivo 101
P: +261 20 22 542 73,
F: +261 20 22 328 18
E: nadine@wanadoo.mg
Gulf Institute of Gemology
Bait Al Reem, 3th Floor,
Thaqafah St, Al Khuwair, Muscat
Sultanate of Oman
P: +968 7947 6067
Panama Diamond Exchange
Santa Maria Business District,
Panama City,
Republic of Panama
P: +507 307 4009
E: info@pde.com.pa
Jewelmer / Seaway Creation Ltd.
31F Philam Life Tower,
Paseo De Roxas,
Makati NCR 1226
E: info@jewelmer.com
Laboratórios GEM
Gemas e Metais Nobres
R.Alto da Bonita, 132,
2710 – 185 Sintra
P: +351 219 242 468,
F: +351 219 242 468
E: info@labgem.org
Cartier SA
Rue André de Garrini 3
1217 Meyrin
E: Anouchka.Didier-Mansour@cartier.com
Gem Genève International Gem & Jewellery Show
Place de la Fusterie, 9
1204 Genève
E: ronny@h-t.ch
W: gemgeneve.com
Metalor Technologies
Routes des Perveuils 8
2074 Marin
SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute
Aeschengraben 26,
CH-4051 Basel,
P: +41 61 262 0640,
F: +41 61 262 0641
E: gemlab@ssef.ch
Pranda Jewelry
28 Soi Bangna-Trad 28, Bangna-Tai
subdistrict, Bangna district, Bangkok 10260
P: +66 2 769 9999
E: pitipong_t@pranda.co.th
Altinbas Holding
Altinbas Plaza,
Dilmenler Cad No 26,
Mahmutbey – Istanbul 34217
P: +90 212 6040000
F: +90 212 4450133
W: www.altinbas.com
De Beers UK Limited
17 Charterhouse Street,
London EC1N 6RA
United Kingdom
P: +44 20 7430 3860
F: +44 20 7891 5689
21 Ely Place,
London EC1N 6TD
United Kingdom
P: +44 20 7404 3334
F: +44 20 7404 8843
E: information@gem-a.com
Gemfields Limited
1 Cathedral Piazza
London, SW1E 5BP
United Kingdom
P: +44 20 7518 3400
F: +44 20 7197 8193
E: info@gemfields.com
W: gemfields.com
The Company of Master Jewellers Ltd
Somers House,
25 Somers Road, Rugby,
United Kingdom
P: +44 1788 540250,
F: +44 1788 575042
The Birmingham Assay Office
P.O. Box 151 Newhall Street,
Birmingham B3 1SB,
United Kingdom
P: +44 121 236 6951,
F: +44 121 236 9032
E: info@theassayoffice.co.uk
Dubai Municipality – Dubai Central Laboratory
P.O. Box 67, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 4 3027007
Fax: +9714 3366399
E: labs@dm.gov.ae
E: aaamin@dm.gov.ae
P: +971 4 3027111,
F: +9714 3366399
Gold and Jewellery Group
Office 306,Third Floor,
Gold Land – Deira, Dubai PO Box 26909,
United Arab Emirates
P: +9714 2291188,
F: +9714 2268883
E: info@dubaicityofgold.ae
International Gemmological Institute
M 24 Gold Land,
Dubai 57664,
United Arab Emirates
P: +9714 2350543,
F: +9714 2350542
E: dubai@igiworldwide.com
American Gem Society
8881 West Sahara Avenue,
Las Vegas, NV 89117
P: +1 702 255 7420
F: +1 702 255 6500
American Gem Society Laboratories
S917 W.Sahara Ave,
Las Vegas 89117
P: +1 702 233 6120
F: +1 702 233 6125
Assael Inc
589 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1154,
New York, N.Y. 10017
P: +1 212 819 0060
E: pgrosz@assael.com
Cultured Pearl Association of America
P: +1 267 481 4120
E: JHeebner@cpaa.org
Diamond Dealers Club
580 Fifth Avenue at 11 W47th Street
New York, NY 10036
P: +1 212 869 9777
F: +1 212 869 5164
Gemological Institute of America
The Robert Mouawad Campus
5345 Armada Drive
Carlsbad , CA 92008
P: +1760 603 4000
F: +1 760 603 4550
E: sjacques@gia.edu
Gemological Science International
581 5th Avenue
4th Floor
New York, NY 10017
P: +1 212 207 4140
E: debbie@gemscience.net
Jeweler’s Security Alliance
6 East 45th Street
New York, NY 10017
P: +1 800 573 0067
F: +1 212 808 9168
E: jsa2@jewelerssecurity.org
Jewelers Board of Trade
95 Jefferson Blvd.
Warwick, RI 02888
P: +1 401-467-0055, x 3002
F: +1 401-824-0204
Piazza Italia NY LLC
589 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1154
New York, N.Y. 10017
P: +1 646 960-9222
E: marco@pzitalia.com
Supporter Members
Sri Gems
17/40 Hanifa Alim Mawatrha
Sri Lanka
P: +94 7 7100 0001
E: mushir.munas@srigems.lk