Membership in CIBJO is not open to individuals, but rather to national associations active in the jewellery and gemstone industries, and international associations, corporations and service providers in the jewellery industry.
The highest decision-making body is the General Assembly of Delegates, which meets at CIBJO Congresses at least once every second year. Each of the member organisations is entitled to vote, although voting is by a weighted system, with two third of voting assigned to national trade association members and one third of voting assigned to commercial, international and service organisations.
National Association membership is open to all professional organisations in the jewellery and gemstone sectors, regardless of the country they are located in. In the event of that several associations exist, they may all be equally represented in CIBJO, after applying for membership and being approved by the Executive Committee. In the event that more than one organization participates in the delegation from a particular country, the leadership role is decided by the entire delegation.
Each country appoints representatives to participate in three distinct sectors, or areas, of interest, they are: Sector A (Gem Materials, Trade and Laboratories), Sector B (Jewellery Distribution) and Sector C (Jewellery Manufacturing/Technology/Precious Metals); Commissions may be formed to focus on specific topics of interest, and they may cover more than one such sector.
Active commissions include the Diamond Commission, the Coloured Stone Commission, the Pearl Commission, the Gemmological Commission, the Marketing and Education Commission, the Precious Metals Commission, the Ethics Commission, the Association Executives Networking Commission, the International Trade Show Commission, the Coral Commission and the Responsible Sourcing Commission.
The official bodies of CIBJO are the General Assembly of Delegates, the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the President’s Council and the Internal Finance and Audit Committee and the External Auditor.

LEFT: CIBJO’s Board of Directors meeting at the 2015 CIBJO Congress in Salvador, Brazil. CENTER: The CIBJO General Assembly in session at the 2015 CIBJO Congress in Salvador Brazil. RIGHT: The CIBJO Precious Metals Commission in session at the 2012 CIBJO Congress in Vicenza, Italy.
The powers and duties of the General Assembly are to elect the President, Vice Presidents, and the Treasurer; to elect the Board of Directors; elect the External Auditor; approve any proposed changes to the Statutes and the By-Laws; distribute the assets of CIBJO in the event of dissolution; and to receive notification of changes to any CIBJO Blue Books.
The governance of CIBJO is vested in its Board of Directors consisting of thirty members, each of whom are members of CIBJO and include the officers. Twenty members of the Board are representatives of national trade association members and ten members of the Board are representatives of commercial or service organisation members.
The Executive Committee, which meets at least once each year, is comprised of fifteen members. The membership of the Executive Committee consists of ten members from national trade associations and five members from commercial or service organizations.
The Officers of CIBJO and five other members of CIBJO together form the President’s Council, each of whom is appointed by the President. Among the President’s Council’s tasks are defining of the tasks and responsibilities of president, the financial officer and the secretariat; defining CIBJO’s strategy preparation of the agendas for the General Assembly and the Executive Committee, based on submissions; coordinating the work of the sectors and commissions; and the supervision of the CIBJO Secretariat.
The Internal Finance and Audit Committee, which oversees the finances of the organization, submits an annual report to the Executive Committee on CIBJO’s balance sheet and operating accounts.
The CIBJO president, who is elected by the General Assembly, represents CIBJO in relation to third parties. He also presides over the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the President’s Council. In his absence he will be represented by the CIBJO vice presidents.
The CIBJO Secretariat represents CIBJO for all routine matters of internal business.