Employee recruitment, motivation and retention guide for jewellery industry now available for downloading via CIBJO website

December 13, 2017

“People: Our Greatest Asset,” an employee recruitment, motivation and retention guide prepared specifically for the jewellery industry is now available for downloading on the CIBJO website. Authored by Jonathan Kendall, President of the CIBJO Marketing & Education Commission, the 60-page book provides a practical approach to the employment and induction of professional staff, reward and recognition systems for motivating and retaining valued employees, and problem solving. It was first introduced at the 2017 CIBJO Congress in Bangkok, Thailand, in November.

Including insights from industry figures from around the world, the guide is divided into six chapters, dealing with motivation, recruitment, leadership and teamwork, training and development, reward and recognition, and troubleshooting. Each chapter includes practical toolkits, some of which can be printed and used in the workplace, among them employee self-assessment and manager-assessment forms, templates for recruitment ads and job offers, interview questionnaires, interviewee assessment forms, job application forms, staff induction checklists, employee training and development records, and much more.

“People are any business’ greatest asset,” explained Mr. Kendall. “This guide has been developed to help all types of companies in the jewellery trade to recruit, develop, motivate and reward their people. As an industry, we need to make sure our employees are motivated and engaged. Today the levels of competition are greater than ever, and when our consumers enter our jewellery environments, it’s vitally important they are met by happy, positive and supportive staff.”

“Although managing teams is never simple,” Mr. Kendall added, “ ‘People: Our Greatest Asset’ is intended to help make the job more efficient and effective.  It is a useful reference guide that applies best practice for thinking and implementing employment and employee strategies.”

“ ‘People: Our Greatest Asset’ is a valuable addition to the series of business guides CIBJO has produced for the jewellery industry, and it is the first that focuses specifically on employee relations,” said CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri. “This is a subject of critical importance, because ultimately any business is only as good as the people who work for it. In producing this guide, Jonathan Kendall has broken the topic down into it most basic components, and then provided real-world tools for company owners and managers to use. We are proud to be able to make it available to the industry.”

The new book can be downloaded from the CIBJO website at: http://www.cibjo.org/responsible-business-guides/ for a fee of 19.90 Swiss francs. Members of organisations that are members of CIBJO are entitled to receive ‘People: Our Greatest Asset’ free of charge. They are recommended to contact the organisations of which they are members to arrange delivery of the documents by email.

Employee recruitment, motivation and retention guide for jewellery industry now available for downloading via CIBJO website2018-05-22T10:22:36+00:00

CIBJO President expresses support for De Beers plan to develop diamond traceability system based on blockchain technology

ABOVE: Dr. Gaetano Cavalieri, President of CIBJO.

December 7, 2017

CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri has voiced the World Jewellery Confederation’s support for a De Beers development project that employs blockchain technology, which was announced on December 4 by the group’s CEO, Bruce Cleaver. When operational, it should enable a diamond’s journey through the value chain to be recorded in a secure digital registry by all parties handling the stone, thus creating a transparent method of traceability that is accessible to the entire gemstone and jewellery business.

“This has the potential of being a game changer, with new technologies offering solutions to a challenge that has been notoriously difficult to achieve to date,” said Dr. Cavalieri. “While we still are waiting for more information from De Beers about how specifically the system can be applied to diamonds, we are well aware of blockchain’s capacity to record for perpetuity chains of transactions, allowing goods to be traced back to their source.

CIBJO strongly advocates for the creation of monitored chains of custody, Dr. Cavalieri said, with the goal being to defend the ethical integrity of products in the gemstone and jewellery trades. At the same time, the confederation has in past expressed concern that more cumbersome due-diligence systems that have been created to meet this objective may disadvantage smaller and medium-sized companies, which lack the resources to put them in place. However, a cloud-based blockchain platform, which is both tamper-proof and accessible to all members of trade, has the potential of eliminating financial barriers of entry, while also being more reliable and effective than a paper-based trail.

“We greatly appreciate the investment that De Beers is making on behalf of the industry in general. I have expressed these thoughts to Mr. Cleaver, and also offered the support of CIBJO and our members during the development process. If successful, this should be a tool that works to all of our benefit, and also that of our consumers,” said Dr. Cavalieri.

CIBJO President expresses support for De Beers plan to develop diamond traceability system based on blockchain technology2018-05-22T10:22:46+00:00

CIBJO concludes successful 2017 congress in Bangkok, strong focus on responsible sourcing of coloured gemstones

ABOVE: General Prayut Chan-o-cha, the Prime Minister of Thailand, opening the 2017 CIBJO Congress in Bangkok.

November 8, 2017

CIBJO, the World Jewellery Confederation, has successfully concluded its annual congress in Bangkok, Thailand. The three-day event, running from November 5 through 7, brought from around the world some 150 official delegates and a total about 300 participants, and covered a wide range of issues on the agenda of the international gemstone and jewellery industry. There was a strong focus on responsible sourcing, Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability, particularly in the coloured gemstone sector. The event was preceded by the three days of pre-congress steering committee meetings and the first World Ruby Forum.

Meeting on the final day of the of the congress, the CIBJO General Assembly elected Dr. Gaetano Cavalieri to another two-year term as CIBJO President. For the first time, three Vice Presidents were elected: Roland Naftule of the United States, Eli Avidar of Israel, and Corrado Facco of Italy. Marc-Alain Christen of Switzerland was reconfirmed as the organisation’s Chief Financial Officer, and a new Board of Directors was elected, also for a two-year term.

The 2017 CIBJO Congress was officially opened by General Prayut Chan-o-cha, the Prime Minister of Thailand, who was accompanied by Mrs. Apiradi Tantraporn, Thailand’s Minister of Commerce, and Mr. Sontirat Sontijirawong, the country’s Deputy Minister of Commerce.

In his speech to the packed assembly hall, General Chan-o-cha stressed his government’s support for the Thai gem and jewellery industry, which is the country’s third largest export earner. “We need to take care of the people in the value chain to make sure that nobody is left behind, especially the lower income workers, and we also want to ensure transparency and good governance,” he stated. “Thailand is committed to improving our products and to becoming a global jewellery hub in the next five years, and I hope we can grow stronger together and enable Thailand to secure this vision.”

CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri addressing the opening session.

In his address, CIBJO President Cavalieri stressed the role of the congress and the mission of the World Jewellery Confederation. “As most of you know, a CIBJO Congress is not a commercial event. There are no gemstones or jewellery on sale. We gather each year to talk about rules and regulations, standards and ethics, and strategies for the years ahead. We do so out of the firmly-held belief that, in order to succeed in business, we have to conduct our affairs in a manner that is beyond reproach, and we need to see over the horizon. The subjects we address, make that possible,” he said.

“We have no illusions. Jewellery and gemstones are luxury products that consumers purchase because they want to, and not because they have to. For us there is no margin of error. If we lose the confidence of our consumers, and in so doing undercut the value of our product, we will not remain in business, let alone prosper,” Dr. Cavalieri stated.

Given the fact that the congress was being held in one of the world’s leading coloured gemstone centres, many of the speakers and the sessions focused strongly on this sector, and of the growing urgency to formulate for it a viable responsible sourcing policy, which on the one hand will defend the integrity of the product from the perspective of consumers and outside observers, but at the same recognises the critical role it plays in the lives and communities of artisanal and small-scale miners, who produce more than 80 percent of its rough.

CIBJO’s newly elected senior officers. President Gaetano Cavalieri (centre) is flanked from left by Marc-Alain Christen, Chief Financial Officer; Roland Naftule, Vice President; Corrado Facco, Vice President; and Eli Avidar, Vice President.

A particularly powerful session focused on the integrity of the supply chain in the coloured gemstone sector. It was moderated by Anne-Marie Fleury, the Standards and Impacts Director at the Responsible Jewellery Council, which co-organized that particular meeting.

“It is all a question of perspective,” said Sean Gilbertson, the CEO and President of Gemfields, the world’s largest coloured gemstone mining company, speaking during the session. “We can talk of clinically about artisanal mining from the comfort of a luxury hotel in Bangkok, but if I was an artisanal miner working in a protected national park and my family depended on what revenue I could produce to survive, I am pretty sure that I would do no differently from what they are doing.”

In his address Mr. Gilbertson revealed that Gemfields had developed with Gübelin Gem Lab in Switzerland a special resin made of nano-particles, which imperceptibly impregnates a gemstone that has been left in the material for a period of about six hours. While there is no apparent effect on the gemstone’s appearance or composition, the durable material leaves an indelible marker that can indicate the stone’s origin and the date it was mined. Gemfields, which will make the technology available to others in the market, is confident that it could assist in advancing traceability in the sector.

Addressing the issue of supply chain integrity in the coloured gemstone trade, Dr. Cavalieri said that government involvement is necessary to help verify the veracity of the source of supply, and that element, coupled with self-administered due diligence at the industry level, is likely to provide the most viable alternative available. “I propose that we work towards creating a Kimberley Process-type structure for rough coloured gemstones, which will enable the industry to demonstrate the integrity of its chain of distribution through a combination of government monitoring, and self-administered due diligence, he said.

“I am not naïve,” Dr. Cavalieri continued. “I realise the conditions in the diamond industry are vastly different to those in coloured gemstones. In diamonds, just a handful of large companies control well over 90 percent of world supply, whereas in coloured gemstones some 80 percent of supply comes via literally thousands of small and artisanal miners. But if we as an industry take the lead, and work on an individual basis with governments that are eager to legitimise their artisanal coloured gemstone sectors, then we can grow organically the group of nations working within a KP-type structure. At the same time, we can provide a legal and non-discriminatory path to the market for artisanal coloured gemstone miners, who otherwise may find themselves locked out.”

Among the other highlights of the congress was the ratification by CIBJO’s Diamond Commission of several changes in its Blue Book requested by the International Diamond Council, paving the way for IDC’s set of diamond nomenclature to be merged with that of CIBJO. Consequently, from now on the CIBJO Diamond Book will be regarded as the single definitive guide to nomenclature in the diamond business.

Furthermore, the Diamond Commission ratified a proposal calling on the CIBJO President to begin a dialogue with synthetic diamond producers, with the goal of bringing them into the greater jewellery industry forum, protecting the interests of consumers and the industry alike.

At the congress in Bangkok, CIBJO’s Marketing & Education Commission released a 60-page book, entitled “People Our Greatest Asset,” which is a guide to building a winning team of employees in the jewellery business. Authored by Jonathan Kendall, President of the Marketing & Education Commission, it will shortly be made available for downloading on the CIBJO website, and include examples and templates of recruitment advertisements, employee assessment and employment review forms, examples of incentive programmes and much more.

The CIBJO President reported that several invitations had been received from different centres requesting to host the 2018 CIBJO Congress. He said that they are being reviewed, and an announcement about the venue and dates of the next congress will be made, hopefully within the coming two months.

For full coverage of the 2017 CIBJO Congress, including photographs, reports about individual sessions, commission special reports and more, please visit the dedicated website at http://www.cibjo.org/congress2017/.

The 2017 CIBJO Congress was hosted at the Shangri-La Hotel in Bangkok by Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP) and the Gem and Jewellery Institute of Thailand (GIT), both of which fall under the jurisdiction of the Thai Ministry of Commerce.

CIBJO concludes successful 2017 congress in Bangkok, strong focus on responsible sourcing of coloured gemstones2018-05-22T10:22:53+00:00

CIBJO, WFDB and IDMA agree to harmonise Diamond Blue Book and IDC nomenclature

November 7, 2017

CIBJO, the World Jewellery Confederation, the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) and the International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) have fulfilled the final stage of an agreement, by which the nomenclature used by the International Diamond Council (IDC) will now be harmonised with that of CIBJO’s Diamond Blue Book.

The agreement was formalised at the 2017 CIBJO Congress in Bangkok, after the CIBJO Diamond Commission approved amendments to the CIBJO Diamond Book that had been requested by the IDC, as part of the agreement between the three organisations.

“The CIBJO Diamond Book may now function as the single official reference book for nomenclature in the entire diamond and jewellery industry, with the goal of enhancing consumer confidence,” explained Udi Sheintal, the CIBJO Diamond Commission President.

“The true beneficiaries of this agreement are the diamond consumers, who will now be able to refer to a single set of rules for describing diamonds,” said CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri. “Our Blue Books are living documents, which are reviewed year in and year out on a continuing basis, to ensure that they are current with changing conditions and technological developments. The fact that the CIBJO Diamond Book now endorsed by the WFDB and the IDMA, serves the interest of both the industry and the marketplace.

“This is a major step forward that we have worked towards for a long time. The IDC was created by the WFDB and the IDMA to defend the integrity of the diamond, and the step of creating a single, universally applicable book will combat any confusion in the market about nomenclature,” said WFDB President Ernie Blom.

IDC was established in 1975 to provide its founders – the WFDB and the IDMA – with a set of universally accepted standards of nomenclature for polished diamonds within the international diamond trade.

CIBJO, WFDB and IDMA agree to harmonise Diamond Blue Book and IDC nomenclature2018-05-22T10:23:00+00:00

CIBJO Congress 2017 set to kick off in Bangkok on November 5, agendas and related documentation now online

October 31, 2017


With the 2017 CIBJO Congress set to open in Bangkok, Thailand in six days’ time, agendas and related documentation for the various sessions and meetings that will take place during the event are now available online. Contained in a Digital Binder, they can be downloaded from the dedicated congress website. To download the Digital Binder, please CLICK HERE.

The schedule of the CIBJO Congress includes a series of meetings of different working groups, called sectors and commissions, each of which focuses on a different sector or field of interest in the jewellery industry. The Digital Binder includes the agendas and documentation related to each of their sessions, as well as those sessions that encompass the entire CIBJO membership.

The congress will take place at the Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok, from November 5 to November 6, with pre-congress meetings starting on November 2. On November 4, the World Ruby Forum will take place at the same venue.

Serving as the official venue for the meeting of the CIBJO Assembly of Delegates, the CIBJO Congress gathers the members of national jewellery and gemstone associations from more than 40 countries and representatives of many of the industry’s most important commercial bodies. During the event, the organisation’s Diamond, Coloured Stones, Pearl, Coral, Precious Metals and Gemmological Blue Books, which are industry’s most widely accepted directories of uniform grading standards and nomenclature, are discussed and updated.

The CIBJO Congress is being hosted by the Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP) and the Gem and Jewellery Institute of Thailand (GIT), both of which fall under the jurisdiction of the Thai Ministry of Commerce.

CIBJO Congress 2017 set to kick off in Bangkok on November 5, agendas and related documentation now online2018-05-22T10:23:06+00:00

CIBJO releases Coral Commission’s Special Report, calls for campaign to differentiate between precious and non-precious coral

October 25, 2017


With fewer than two weeks to go to the opening of the 2017 CIBJO Congress in Bangkok, Thailand, on November 5, 2017, the eighth and the final of the CIBJO commissions’ Special Reports for this year has been released. Prepared by Vincenzo Liverino, President of the organisation’s Coral Commission, the report calls for an educational campaign to differentiate between precious coral varieties, which are harvested in a responsible and sustainable manner, and non-precious varieties, some of which are seeing their numbers dwindle as a result of climate change.

“One of the main concerns of the Coral Commission is to make sure that all precious coral in circulation in the marketplace has been harvested and handled in accordance with the applicable regulatory legislation associated with the protection of wildlife. This is being done for the sake of sustainability, a key doctrinal orientation of the UN charter,” Mr. Liverino writes.

Precious corals, which are subject to national regulatory legislation, are harvested in strict observance of responsible practices, and should be perceived as sustainable and responsible products, Mr. Liverino notes. But this is not the way things are sometimes portrayed in the media. “There has been for many years a misunderstanding that precious coral species are the same as those endangered non-precious coral species. It must be stressed that, despite sharing a common name, threatened coral species are not used in the jewellery industry,” he adds.

“An educational campaign must be undertaken, to properly explain to the environmentally conscious consumer that the corals that have been used as a biogenic gem material in jewellery for millennia are not the ones that studies have shown to be damaged by climate change, posing a serious challenge to the marine ecosystem in many parts of the planet. It must be underlined that we in the precious coral and jewellery sectors share common global environmental concerns with most of the scientific community,” Mr. Liverino writes.

To download a full copy of the CIBJO Coral Commission’s special report, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

CIBJO releases Coral Commission’s Special Report, calls for campaign to differentiate between precious and non-precious coral2018-05-22T10:23:12+00:00
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