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CIBJO release 24-08-2016


CIBJO releases Marketing & Education Special Report,calls for jewellery industry to help combat climate change

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CIBJO release 24-08-20162017-12-07T11:56:34+00:00

CIBJO President proposes Thailand strengthen regional role at government/jewellery industry summit in Bangkok

AUGUST 9, 2016

CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri has proposed that Thailand position itself as the primary access point to the gemstone and jewellery industries and markets of the ASEAN bloc in Southeast Asia, serving as a centre that connects and services the entire region, and also acting as a bridge-way that links it to the world. He was the keynote speaker at a dinner summit held in Bangkok on August 8, organised by the country’s Department of Trade Promotion (DITP), which brought together senior government and industry representatives to consider strategies for consolidating Thailand’s leadership role in the business.

DITP, which is the department within Thailand’s Ministry of Commerce responsible for promoting the country’s export industries, has recently expanded its involvement in the critically important gemstone and jewellery industry, taking over the management of the Bangkok Gems and Jewellery Fair. Its summit in this week was presided over by Apiradi Tantraporn, the Minister of Commerce, who was joined by the DITP Director General, Malee Choklumlerd.

Reviewing the position of Thailand in the gemstone and jewellery business, Dr Cavalieri noted that, while it undoubtedly has achieved the status of a world leader, seeing its exports grow over the past 10 years by almost 300 percent to about $11 billion, and peaking in 2012 at $13.1 billion, it is not always considered way internationally.

“Thailand’s second-tier status as a centre has less to with production and sales capacity than it has to do with way that it is perceived in the business,” he said.  “But perception is critical, for the way you are perceived by others affects your ability to market your products, and consequently is a principal factor in deciding whether you will be able to optimise sales and exports. As it is said, success breeds success, meaning that, it if you are better able to project your image as a world leader, then it more likely that you will optimize your export capability.”

“Your credentials as a major gem and jewellery centre are indisputable,” Dr Cavalieri continued. “But what then are the elements that set you apart? What is your USP, or Unique Selling Proposition?”

Dr Cavalieri proposed that Thailand be positioned as the ASEAN jewellery trade centre, providing an easily accessible and navigable gateway to a massive region, which also includes Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Brunei

“Besides being a rich source of gemstones and pearls, and home to a group of fast-growing gemstone and jewellery industries, it is a region with a population of than 600 million people, which is larger than those in the European Union or North America, and it has the third-largest labour force in the world, behind China and India,” he explained.  “According to a McKinsey study from two years ago, if the ASEAN bloc were a single country, it would already have already constituted the seventh-largest economy in the world in 2013, with a combined GDP of $2.4 trillion. It is projected to rank as the fourth-largest economy by 2050.”

For Thailand, the status of the primary ASEAN gem and jewellery centre could be an irresistible USP, Dr Cavalieri stressed.


Dr Cavalieri expressed his admiration for the commitment being shown by the Thai government and DITP to strengthen the position of the country’s gemstone and jewellery industry, which today accounts for 5.13 percent of the country’s exports. In particular, he expressed his support for the Bangkok Gems and Jewellery Fair, which will be held for the 58th time this September, and suggested that it too become recognized as the ASEAN trade show.

CIBJO President proposes Thailand strengthen regional role at government/jewellery industry summit in Bangkok2017-12-07T11:56:35+00:00

CIBJO release 09-08-2016


CIBJO President proposes Thailand strengthen regional role at government/jewellery industry summit in Bangkok

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CIBJO release 09-08-20162017-12-07T11:56:35+00:00

CIBJO President reports on its CSR programme in jewellery industry to United Nations ECOSOC High-Level Segment in New York

JULY 21, 2016

CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri has reported on the World Jewellery Confederation’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability programme to the High-Level Segment of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which currently is taking place in New York. CIBJO was one of only a handful of NGOs invited to make an oral statement at the session.

The High-Level Segment brings together representatives from UN member states, the private sector, civil society and academia, and addresses ECOSOC’s annual theme, which this year is “Implementing the post-2015 development agenda: moving from commitments to results.”

In his report, Dr Cavalieri described a series of programmes that have been introduced, which help optimise the involvement of the international jewellery sector in achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals. At the same time, he said, they are meant to mitigate any negative societal effects that are directly or indirectly related to the sector’s activities.

Among the programmes that Dr Cavalieri reported on the ECOSOC session were:

  • A comprehensive set of courses in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability for professionals in the greater jewellery industry.
  • The development and roll out of an online system that will support all players in the industry in maintaining an ethical chain of custody, while at the same time reporting on proactive socially responsible policies.
  • Collaboration with government and civil society in the areas of biodiversity and the combating of the illicit trade in precious metals and gemstones.
  • The development and promotion of a framework that enables members of the jewellery industry worldwide to measure and offset their carbon footprints.

In 2006 CIBJO became the industry’s jewellery first and only representative in the UN body, which is charged engaging government, business and civil society in advancing the international community’s development agenda. Since 2013 it has done this with the support of Fiera di Vicenza, which itself became the first trade show organizer to be recognised by the United Nations.

CIBJO President reports on its CSR programme in jewellery industry to United Nations ECOSOC High-Level Segment in New York2017-12-07T11:56:35+00:00

CIBJO release 21-07-2016


CIBJO President reports on its CSR programme in jewellery industry to United Nations ECOSOC High-Level Segment in New York

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CIBJO release 21-07-20162017-12-07T11:56:35+00:00

CIBJO participates in Chicago workshop investigating nickel allergies

Recent data has indicated that, while in the European Union the prevalence of nickel allergies is decreasing, in North America it continues to rise slowly but steadily. What differentiates the two regions is that, while in Europe legislation restricting nickel release from articles intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin and in post assemblies has been enforceable for more than 15 years, in North America no such restrictions on nickel use exist.

Concerned by this situation, in June 2016 the Nickel Institute facilitated in Chicago a workshop on Nickel Allergic Contact Dermatitis (NACD) in North America, to consider the measures required to reduce its prevalence and incidence. CIBJO was invited to provide the perspective the jewellery industry.

The Nickel Institute is a global association of the world’s primary nickel producers, who together account for approximately 85 percent of worldwide annual nickel production outside China. Its mission is to promote and support the use of nickel in appropriate applications.

CIBJO was represented in Chicago by Marion Wilson, from the Assay Office Birmingham in the United Kingdom, who has worked closely with the nickel specialists in the Assay Office’s testing facility, the AnchorCert Analytical Laboratory.

AnchorCert Analytical is globally respected for its expertise in the field of precious metals testing, and specifically recognised for its knowledge with regards to nickel testing.  It has encouraged the U.K. trade to comply with the nickel legislation since its inception in 2000. It is the only laboratory in the world to offer a quick nickel release testing, reducing the reporting time from 10 days to just five working days.

The event in Chicago gathered leading U.S. dermatologists, scientists, metallurgists, downstream users of nickel, industry representatives and regulatory experts. The ultimate goal was to prevent nickel sensitisation in the population and the occurrence of nickel allergic contact dermatitis in those already sensitised. A number of paths forward were identified.

Marion Wilson, from the Assay Office Birmingham in the United Kingdom, who represented CIBJO at the Nickel Allergic Contact Dermatitis workshop in Chicago, addressing the event.

Ms. Wilson delivered a presentation outlining lessons learned from the European experience. She encouraged North America to develop a clear, straightforward approach and to engage with the industry from the outset.

“We have learned a huge amount about nickel release and compliance and I was very happy to share our experiences with the Americans on behalf of CIBJO,” she said. “The number of changes to the legislation and related standards to assess compliance as well as the controversial ‘No Decision’ status for borderline results have been obstacles to understanding and enforcement, and it is really important that the Americans use the benefits of our experience to create a workable system whether it be voluntary or mandatory.”

Dr. Katherine Heim, the nickel allergy specialist at the Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA), who organised the event said: “The workshop in Chicago was the first time that such a broad range of experts on different aspects of nickel and nickel allergy have met in North America to focus on how we can together combat this allergy. It is important that physicians, parents and patients are equipped with the accurate information they need to reduce the risk of nickel allergy, especially in children.”

“The nickel industry wants nickel to be used appropriately and we welcome the constructive dialogue from participants at the workshop. We look forward to working with downstream users of nickel as well as clinicians to share our knowledge of the essential nature of nickel and the best way to use it to avoid risk of nickel sensitisation,” Dr. Heim stated.

‘We look forward to working with downstream users of nickel as well as clinicians to share our knowledge of the essential nature of nickel and the best way to use it to avoid risk of nickel sensitisation,’ said Dr. Katherine Heim, the nickel allergy specialist at the Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA), who organised the workshop in Chicago.

CIBJO participates in Chicago workshop investigating nickel allergies2017-12-07T11:56:36+00:00
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