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The next great consumer generation under the spotlight at CIBJO-Fiera di Vicenza seminar

Millennials use multiple source of information in making purchasing decisions, said CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri in his welcome to participants to the CIBJO/Fiera di Vicenza Millennials seminar.


Millennials are more likely to buy from companies that support causes they approve of, said Corrado Facco, Managing Director of Fiera di Vicenza and President of CIBJO’s Trade Fair Commission, during his welcome.


Seminar moderator Steven Benson, CIBJO’s Communications Director.


Arguably the most substantial reconsideration in recent decades of the way in which diamond jewellery should be promoted and sold was the focus of a seminar held September 4, 2016, the second day of the VICENZAORO September trade fair in Vicenza, Italy. Entitled “The Challenge of Marketing to Millennials: The Next Great Consumer Generation,” the event was co-organised by CIBJO and Fiera di Vicenza.

Born between 1980 and 2000, the Millennials represent one of the largest generations in history, and its members are about to move into their prime spending years. The unique experiences of Millennial consumers will change the ways the jewellery industry promotes and sells, and the manner in which it communicates with its customers. This will require companies to examine how they do business.

As the most heterogeneous generation ever in terms background and ethnicity, the Millennials grew up in digital society, where online and mobile skills were not learned but simply acquired. This changed the way they perceive the world, and how they interact among themselves and with others.

Costantino Papadimitriou, Senior Vice President Brand Strategy and Innovation at Forevermark at De Beers, addressing the audience.


“When we market our products to Millennials, we no longer are able to get the exclusive attention of our clients,” said CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri, welcoming the crowd of participants that filled the room.” They have easy access to large amounts of information. They are more inclined to do research before buying, and they consult with their friends before making a decision.”

Importantly, when it comes to purchasing decisions, Millennial consumers are considerably more likely to consider issues such as product integrity, sustainability and the social responsibility. Studies show that they are nearly twice as likely to purchase from a brand because of its social and or environmental impact.

“Already today, Millennials represent more than $2.45 trillion in spending power, and it is a number that will grow substantially,” said Corrado Facco, Managing Director of Fiera di Vicenza, who also serves as President of CIBJO’s Trade Show Commission, during his welcome to seminar participants. “According to a research carried out by Cone Communications, up to 70 percent of them will spend more on brands that support causes they care about.”

Seminar presenters (from left): Jean-Marc Lieberherr, CEO of the Diamond Producers Association, which is about to introduce the industry’s first sustained generic marketing campaign in 10 years, which will mainly be directed at Millennials; Roberto Coin, the leading Italian jewellery designer and brand developer; Ella Goldner, Global Strategy Director at IPG Mediabrands in London; Costantino Papadimitriou, head of global communication strategy and campaigns, and brand innovation at De Beers’ Forevermark; and  CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri.

At VicenzaOro September, CIBJO and Fiera di Vicenza convened what almost certainly was one the most expert panels ever gathered to consider the topic. It included:

  • Ella Goldner a Global Strategy Director at IPG Mediabrands in London, which is part of an advertising and marketing network that includes McCann World Group, Lowe and Partners and FCB. She specializes in marketing to Millennials, developing campaigns that meet their requirements, and delivering and reinforcing their content using new media tools.
  • Jean-Marc Lieberherr,  CEO of the Diamond Producers Association, which has taken upon itself the task of reintroducing category or generic marketing for the diamond jewellery sector. He earlier served as Managing Director of Rio Tinto Diamonds, and before joining the diamond industry worked in international sales and marketing positions with LVMH and Unilever.
  • Costantino Papadimitriou, who is responsible for global communication strategy and campaigns, as well as brand innovation, at De Beers’ Forevermark, which is far and away has the largest advertising budget in the diamond jewellery sector. He leads Forevermark’s London-based communication team as well as its Milan based Design and Innovation Centre. Previously he worked for J. Walter Thompson for 27 years.
  • Roberto Coin, President, owner and visionary of the Roberto Coin Group and brand, which is sold in more than 1,000 outlets in 62 countries. Acutely aware of the growing sentiment among consumers for issues related to CSR and sustainability, in 2013 was recognized by Fiera di Vicenza, which named him a winner of an Andrea Palladio International Jewellery Awards for Best Corporate Social Responsibility Brand.

The moderator of the seminar was Steven Benson, CIBJO’s Director of Communications.


Download the presentations delivered at the Millennials seminar:

Ella Goldner, Global Strategy Director at IPG Mediabrands, London. [Presentation in PowerPoint]

Jean-Marc Lieberherr, CEO Diamond Producers’ Association [Presentation in PowerPoint]

Costantino Papadimitriou, Senior Vice President Brand Strategy and Innovation of Forevermark at De Beers [Presentation in PowerPoint]

Roberto Coin, leading Italian jewellery designer and brand innovator [Presentation in PDF]

Steven Benson, CIBJO Communications Director [Moderator’s presentation in PowerPoint] [Moderator’s notes in PDF]

The next great consumer generation under the spotlight at CIBJO-Fiera di Vicenza seminar2017-12-07T11:56:33+00:00

CIBJO releases Ethics Commission Special Report, reviews efforts to promote a responsible and sustainable industry

Cecilia Gardner, President of CIBJO’s Ethics Commission and author of the Special Report.

AUGUST 31, 2016

With eight weeks to go to the opening of the 2016 CIBJO Congress in Yerevan, Armenia, on October 26, 2016, the second of the CIBJO commissions’ Special Reports has been released. Prepared by the CIBJO Ethics Commission, headed by Cecilia Gardner, the report reviews the World Jewellery Confederation’s efforts over the past year to promote Corporate Social Responsibility and economic and environmental sustainability, in countries and regions where the jewellery and gemstone industry is active.

In particular, the report lists CIBJO’s participation in a series of international forums, respectively organised United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the European Union, OECD, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. State Department, the New York Times International and Chopard/EcoAge, the Association Française de Gemmologie and the Responsible Ecosystems Sourcing Platform (RESP); and reports on the launch of an online series of courses on the basic elements of Corporate Social Responsibility for the jewellery industry, in cooperation with Branded Trust of Australia, and the first Responsible Jewellery Industry Summit in New York, which discussed ways of reaching consensus over a broader industry vision for sustainable business and ethical sourcing.

“I am looking forward to our Congress in Yerevan, where we can work together to raise awareness about the importance of taking actions in our industry, to make the supply chain for our products the best it can be,” wrote Ms. Gardner. “Consumers expect these actions and a safe supply chain. Benefiting all players can benefit all, and improve the bottom line.”

To download a full copy of the report, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

CIBJO releases Ethics Commission Special Report, reviews efforts to promote a responsible and sustainable industry2017-12-07T11:56:34+00:00

CIBJO release 31-08-2016


CIBJO releases Ethics Special Report, reviews efforts to promote a responsible and sustainable industry

Click PDF icon on left to download document

CIBJO release 31-08-20162017-12-07T11:56:34+00:00

Challenge of marketing jewellery to Millennials to be focus of Fiera di Vicenza-CIBJO seminar at VICENZAORO September

AUGUST 31, 2016

Today ranging in age between 20 and 39, the Millennials represent the largest and potentially most lucrative consumer generation since the fabled Baby Boomers of the late 20th Century. The degree to it will consider fine jewellery as a preferred purchase will largely determine the jewellery industry’s growth and prosperity over the coming years, but this is not guaranteed. Other business sectors, like consumer electronics and the travel industry, are investing billions in marketing to attract the Millennials discretionary income, and the jewellery industry now needs to play catch-up and rethink the way it operates.

“Marketing to the Millennials: Meeting the Expectations of the Next Great Consumer Generation” will be the subject of a seminar, co-organized by Fiera di Vicenza and CIBJO on Sunday, September 4, 2016, at 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, in Hall 7 – Room 7.1.2b (Sala Tiziano 2).

The seminar will take place during VICENZAORO September, the international gold and jewellery show organised by Fiera di Vicenza, which will take place in Vicenza, September 3-7, with 1,300 brands from 35 different countries, including all of Italy’s gold districts Confirmed as one of the world’s leading gold and jewellery shows, VICENZAORO September is also renowned in the industry for providing an observatory to very latest trends and a preview of what is coming in the future.

“The Millennials do not automatically aspire to own fine jewellery in the same way that their parents or grandparents did,” said Steven Benson, an industry journalist and CIBJO’s Director of Communication, who will moderate the seminar. “Generic diamond jewellery advertising was suspended by De Beers about 10 years ago, so they have not been as exposed to marketing messages from our industry as they moved into adulthood, but they were being targeted by other industries. Also, they are the most digitally adept generation ever, and with these abilities get their information, communicate and make purchasing decisions differently to previous generations. To market successfully to them, we must understand how they think, how they interact and how to reach them.”

To examine the subject, Fiera di Vicenza and CIBJO have gathered a blue ribbon panel of presenters, each of whom will provide a different perspective. It includes:

  • Jean-Marc Lieberherr, CEO of the Diamond Producers Association, which is the organisation created by the world’s largest diamond producers with the express purpose of reintroducing an all-industry generic diamond jewellery marketing programme, for which the target audience will largely be the Millennials.
  • Costantino Papadimitriou, Senior Vice President of Brand Strategy and Innovation at De Beers’ Forevermark, which currently operates the largest marketing budget in the international diamond sector, and is intensely involved in marketing diamond jewellery to new generations of consumers.
  • Roberto Coin, the legendary Italian jewellery designer and owner of the jewellery brand of the same name, who over the decades has proven to be remarkably successful in appealing to generation after generation of consumers.
  • Ella Goldner, Global Strategy Director at IPG Mediabrands in London, one of the world’s five largest advertising and marketing agencies, where she has been responsible for developing integrated communications globally for Millennial clients of organisations and corporations such as Wimbledon and Unilever.

Studies of Millennial consumers consistently show them to be significantly more aware than earlier generations of the business sector’s social commitment to society, with 50 percent saying that they will be more willing to make a purchase if the product supports a worthy cause, and 37 percent saying they would even be prepared to pay more for such a product. This characteristic will be discussed at length during the seminar, and it corresponds to both CIBJO and Fiera di Vicenza’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability, which they pursue together through their official association with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Challenge of marketing jewellery to Millennials to be focus of Fiera di Vicenza-CIBJO seminar at VICENZAORO September2017-12-07T11:56:34+00:00

CIBJO release 31-08-2016


Challenge of marketing jewellery to Millennials to be focus of Fiera di Vicenza-CIBJO seminar at VICENZAORO September

Click PDF icon on left to download document

CIBJO release 31-08-20162017-12-07T11:56:34+00:00

CIBJO releases Marketing & Education Special Report, calls for jewellery industry to help combat climate change

Jonathan Kendall, President of CIBJO’s Marketing & Education Commission and author of the Special Report.

AUGUST 24, 2016

With nine weeks to go to the opening of the 2016 CIBJO Congress in Yerevan, Armenia, on October 26, 2016, the first of the CIBJO commissions’ Special Reports has been released. Prepared by the CIBJO Marketing & Education Commission, headed by Jonathan Kendall, the report provides an update about the organisation’s Jewellery Industry Greenhouse Gas Measurement Initiative, which was launched in 2012 to help businesses in the industry understand and reduce their environmental impact.

It has been a successful year in terms of member engagement in the Greenhouse Gas Measurement Initiative, Mr. Kendall noted. There are currently are about 20 organisations fully measuring their carbon footprints and working towards carbon neutrality, and more than 40 are close to joining. They include trade bodies, manufacturers, grading laboratories, watch companies,  equipment manufacturers,  wholesalers,  retailers and brands.

“The CIBJO initiative has been designed to be as simple as possible, from planning to implementation. We are here to help, and we believe it is critical that we take the initiative on this issue, before we give consumers a reason to reduce their purchasing of the wonderful products we develop and sell,” Mr Kendall stated.

To download a full copy of the report, PLEASE CLICK HERE

CIBJO releases Marketing & Education Special Report, calls for jewellery industry to help combat climate change2017-12-07T11:56:34+00:00
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