• Describing itself as the “United Nations of the jewellery business,” CIBJO, the World Jewellery Confederation, represents the interests of all individuals, organisations and companies earning their livelihoods from jewellery, gemstones and precious metals. It is the oldest international or CIBJO is an international confederation of national jewellery trade organizations.
  • CIBJO’s purpose is to encourage harmonisation, promote international cooperation in the jewellery industry, and to consider issues which concern the trade worldwide. Foremost among these is to protect consumer confidence in the industry.
  • CIBJO pursues these objectives through informed deliberation, decisions reached in accordance with its statutes, and proactive communications with member national organizations and the trade.
  • CIBJO functions as a centre of knowledge, a decision-making body, and an advocate for the well being of the jewellery industry worldwide.
  • CIBJO relies upon the initiative of its member national organizations to support and implement its decisions and to protect the public’s trust in the jewellery industry.