Jewellery as a symbol for the meanings of life:
Story-telling to consumers in the new normal of 2021
November 19, 2020
Jewellery’s resilience during challenging times is legendary, and to no small degree is a function of its almost unmatched capacity to symbolise human sentiments such as love and appreciation, particularly when the need for person-to-person connections is elevated. During the COVID crisis, this is a quality that will most likely be sought after well into the new year.
A recent survey by Platinum Guild International (PGI) of the platinum jewellery industry’s key global markets – the United States, China, Japan and India – showed that consumers are actually prepared to spend more on jewellery in the wake of the global pandemic.
In presenting the results of the PGI survey, the authors of the report recommended that jewellery retailers invest in products that hold symbolic value, either personal such as career milestones or new life stages, or interpersonal, reaffirming relationships. “
Strategies by which jewellery companies may associate the products they design and sell with consumers’ emotions are the subject of CIBJO’s Jewellery Industry Voices webinar, “Jewellery as a symbol for the meanings of life: Story-telling to consumers in the new normal of 2021” on November 19, 2020.
Panellists included Zhen Zhen Liu, Director, Global Corporate Marketing, Platinum Guild International (PGI), Hong Kong, China; Evert deGraeve, Founder and Designer, EDG Design Studio, China/USA; Inezita Gay-Eckel, Teacher and Community Manager, L’École School of Jewelry Arts, France; and Tarang Arora, Creative Director, Amrapali Jewels, India.
The seminar was co-moderated by Edward Johnson and Steven Benson, and words of welcome were provided by CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri.
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Jewellery Industry Voices
Season 2