Coral Commission urges industry to inform consumers
about any treatments to precious corals

Kenneth Scarratt, CIBJO’s Sector A President, who also serves as Vice President of the Coral Commission, addressing the CIBJO Congress.
NOVEMBER 4, 2024
Consumers need to be informed about any treatments to precious coral, in order to protect confidence, said Kenneth Scarratt, Vice-President of the Coral Commission, and President of Sector A, told the 2024 CIBJO Congress in Shanghai.
“It is in the best interest and responsibility of the trade for consumers to be fully informed with regards to any treatments applied to coral,” said a new statement added to the CIBJO Guide on Precious Coral.
“Treatments may impact a coral’s value, and are often not permanent or may require special care.”
“The seller shall therefore inform the purchaser about the treatment and any special care requirements.”